Det er ønsket fra bosætningskoordinatoren i Ringkøbing – Skjern kommune. der med dette arrangement ønsker at kommunens internationale tilflyttere falder godt til, så flere ønsker at blive boende i kommunen.
»Da 17% af alle jobs i Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune varetages af international arbejdskraft, er vi som kommune meget interesseret i, at så mange af vores internationale tilflyttere har det godt«, understreger bosætningskoordinatoren Dorthe Frydendahl fra Ringkøbing Skjern Kommune.
Derfor opfordres alle til at dele på facebook eller andre sociale medier, dette gratis tilbud til tilflytterne, om at deltage i madlavnings-arrangementet på Ringkøbing Skole – »Cook & Talk« – torsdag den 23. marts 2023 mellem klokken 18.00 og 21.00.
Dear Internationals
An important matter of moving to a new country is getting to know the people and the culture.
We would therefor like to invite you to a “Cook & Talk” event where you will get the opportunity to meet people in a similar situation and participate in preparing two traditional Danish courses.
Together we will prepare the main course Tarteletter med høns i asparges (creamed chicken and asparagus in tatlets) and the dessert Dansk æblekage (Danish apple trifle) and finish off the event by eating the prepared courses together.
The event will take place at Ringkøbing Skole, Rindumvej 1, 6950 Ringkøbing on Thursday 23 March at 18.00-21.00.
It is free to participate but due to a limited number of seats you will need to register on no later than Friday 17 March 2023.
Please note:
An important matter of moving to a new country is getting to know the people and the culture.
We would therefor like to invite you to a “Cook & Talk” event where you will get the opportunity to meet people in a similar situation and participate in preparing two traditional Danish courses.
Together we will prepare the main course Tarteletter med høns i asparges (creamed chicken and asparagus in tatlets) and the dessert Dansk æblekage (Danish apple trifle) and finish off the event by eating the prepared courses together.
The event will take place at Ringkøbing Skole, Rindumvej 1, 6950 Ringkøbing on Thursday 23 March at 18.00-21.00.
It is free to participate but due to a limited number of seats you will need to register on no later than Friday 17 March 2023.
Please note:
- You are responsible for your own transport to and from the venue (Ringkøbing Skole, Rindumvej 1, 6950 Ringkøbing), but we would like to encourage you to arrange carpooling with other participants from within this network
- You can only participate if you have an address in Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality
- »Cook & Talk« will be arranged by Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality.
We look forward to seeing you